Additional Plugins for CRM

Customize the management of your business

Expand the palette of possibilities to the maximum

Here we offer you a full range of extensions that you can use in your CRM, choose the best and most convenient for your business!

Additional Plugins for CRM

Accounting is the process of recording and tracking financial statements to see the financial health of an entity. This is done by inputting, sorting, measuring, and then communicating transactions in various formats. Accounting consists of bookkeeping and analysis. Bookkeeping, or financial accounting, consists of recording transactions, which can include purchases, sales, and receipts of an individual or an organization. Once the bookkeeper records and organizes all of the transactions, the next step of accounting is to analyze these transactions into helpful reports which will show the state of one’s finances. These reports can include profit/loss statements, cash flow reports, and can track sales tax to keep a close eye on what is owed come tax time. With small business accounting done right, small business owner will be able to have a clear understanding of the state of your finances so you can make better decisions based on what you have available. More than any other marketing strategy, social media advertising helps maximize your brand’s visibility and provides lucrative opportunities to attract and nurture leads and transform them into paying customers.

Account planning module for CP CRM

Account Planning Module for CP CRM, is a strategic account planning tool, which, through a customer-centric approach to identifying priority accounts capturing and analysing critical information, allows you and your staff members to develop a strategy to expand and grow existing customer relationships.
It creates a complete plan, with plenty of useful information through available options and data, separating them under four basic sectors for every plan: Due Diligence / Team Information / Service Ability Offering and Project Planning.

It also uses MindMap, based on GOJS, in order for staff members to be able to create a visual approach of their strategy, along with Handsontable which helps at data entry and logs staff member’s activity inside Activity Log. Please check out the uploaded videocast and screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.

Advanced lead filters module for CP CRM

“Advanced Lead Filters”, this module can be use in CP CRM to Extends its lead filter functionality. You can create Filter Templates of your choice from the available filters & save it for future use. (Usage : Mainly use for different kind of report need & at time access inbuilt functionally of CP CRM).

Can be used to filter Leads. Can be select custom period for between start date & due date. Can be used to filter by custom fields. [Note: Any 4 custom fields (except Date/Date Time custom fields)] Lead statuses can be changed from Filtered Table. Report can Expert with required Column (i.e. can hide non required Column)

Allinone support module for CP CRM

All-in-one Support module for CP CRM is only needed module for all your support efforts!
By using our module, you enable your customers or staff members, to directly contact you through all the available options, straight from their accounts.
Take a look at its demo (please log into the demo account) or at the preview video. What you see there, is what you will be able to use on your own CP CRM installation.

Can be used to filter Leads. Can be select custom period for between start date & due date. Can be used to filter by custom fields. [Note: Any 4 custom fields (except Date/Date Time custom fields)] Lead statuses can be changed from Filtered Table. Report can Expert with required Column (i.e. can hide non required Column)

Appointly CP CRM appointments

Appointly is a versatile appointment scheduling module seamlessly integrated into CP CRM. It’s perfect for any appointment type and features easy integration with external forms across multiple websites. Manage appointments, add staff as attendees, set subjects, descriptions, dates, and times effortlessly. The module allows for direct synchronization with Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar. Individual users can manage appointments in both calendars—create, update, or delete events right from the CRM. Appointly offers the flexibility to include various types of attendees: internal contacts, external contacts, or leads. With a simple, user-friendly design, the module supports Email and SMS Notifications, appointment approval, cancellation, and completion confirmations. The unique Callback feature in Appointly lets clients request callbacks, catering to international clientele. Admins or designated assignees can manage and take notes for these callbacks. The feature is toggleable to suit your needs. 

Assets management module for CP CRM

The Asset module is a feature-rich tool that enables you to manage assets in your company. It is a perfect fit for businesses that need to keep track of the assets they have in the office. With this module, you can easily manage and track assets such as computers, printers, and more. You can keep a record of the lending history of each asset and keep your asset management organised.

Bitpay payment gateway for CP CRM

BitPay Payment Gateway for CP CRM, is a module that enables you to receive payments from CP CRM’s invoices, straight at your BitPay account, through BitCoins.

Client app for CP CRM

This app For the Client Login Panel.
This app is totally Work on the API Basis. The API Plugin Comes Free with This app.

Loyalty and memberships for CP CRM

Customer Loyalty & Memberships Module lets you loyalize your customers by rewarding them with points. With Customer Loyalty & Memberships, you can efficiently implement a reward system in your store. The loyalty points received by customers are redeemable as offering coupons, discounts on purchases, or other loyalty rewards. Not only that, the points are redeemable to attain the loyalty membership too, and become a part of the brand’s loyal members community.

Call log module for CP CRM

Want to make and receive calls in CP CRM using Twilio? What to send Single and Bulk SMS? Now your can with the most compelling must have module for any sales team or business using CP CRM. Are you still logging your customer calls on spreadsheets?  One of the fundamental of building relationships with customers and business development is logging all your conversations in one location. Give you and your team the ability to keep a track record of all the calls made, and know when to follow up on opportunities. Create follow up reminders, and even assign call log goals, you asked for those updates so here you go, please leave a review if you want to see more updates. This is not a standalone addon, and only works as a module for CP CRM. Please do not purchase this module if you do not have the CP CRM. We welcome feedback to improve our products, and please leave a review if you like our modules it will motivate us.

Custom java script module CP CRM

The CP CRMCRM Custom JS Module facilitates effortless integration of any script into both the administrator and customer interfaces. Designed for universal compatibility, it accommodates a broad array of web-integrated services like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, and various live chat platforms. Easily insert your tags or scripts within the HTML <head> section.

Custom email notifications for CP CRM

Elevate Your Customer Engagement
In the fast-paced world of business, staying connected with your clients is paramount. Introducing our Custom SMS & Email Notifications Module for CP CRMCRM – the game-changer you’ve been waiting for! Elevate your customer engagement to new heights with tailored communication that leaves a lasting impression.

Drag and drop CP CRM email builder

CP CRM Email Builder is a design tool that helps you to effortlessly customize the emails that CP CRM is sending to your clients and team; for example, the order confirmation email sent to all customers when they make a purchase.

The module does not send any emails itself but instead upgrades your CRM’s boring default email notifications with much more professional and effective designs.

CP CRM Email Builder continues to work in exactly the same way as before… no duplicate emails will be sent … and there are no subscription fees to pay each month. So it’s a win-win situation!

The unedited email templates via CP CRM Email Builder will be still sent as default CP CRM email template, with no changes, so I suggest you to open and save (at least the most important templates) through this module right after installing.

Export customer details kyc compliance module for CP CRM
  • You can map uploaded client files as KYC and save that details, so you can easily print or download PDF of Client details with their KYC files.
  • This module can be used to map list of services given to client by using Items as a service.
Facebook leads integration sync module for CP CRM
  • Facebook Leads Integration Module for CP CRM, allows you to sync your Facebook Leads through your Facebook page’s forms with CP CRM Leads. It uses oAuth connect, in order to get access to your Pages, and it allows custom fields to be synced between CP CRM/ Facebook aswell. You can also use it in multiple pages that you manage.

Financial control professional expenses weboox

Register your recurring expenses, the system informs the status and organization by expiration date. You register the supplier and mark cost centers to control where your money comes from. Have analytical reports with projection of accounts payable by period and can export to PDF, XLS and much more. You now have the financial projection with your recurring expenses.

Dashboard builder for CP CRM

Dashboard builder for CP CRM

Flat admin theme for CP CRM

Flat admin theme for CP CRM, redesigns the backend’s experience by adding flat aesthetics at your staff’s interface.

Gocardless payment gateway for CP CRM

GoCardless Payment Gateway for CP CRM, is a module that enables you to receive payments from CP CRMCRM’s invoices, straight at your GoCardless account, through Direct Debit.

Hr records for CP CRM

HR Records is a human resource records system. The primary function is to provide a central database containing records for all employees past and present. Human resource records refers to the informa­tional documents utilized by an organisation to carry out its functions. It represents the memory of organisation. The records provide information about the organisation which is maintained in tangible form i.e. written, pictorial, charts etc.
They are therefore tan­gible evidence of the activities of the organi­sation. Personnel records provide informa­tion about the position of HR in the organi­sation e.g. – records relating to training, per­formance, absenteeism, wages and salary, labour turnover, productivity, morale sur­veys, job satisfaction, social security, em­ployee welfare etc.
Please check out the uploaded screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.

Human resources management hr module for CP CRM

This is the first complete Human Resources Management (HRM) solution for Perfex.
Human Resources Management module for CP CRM, helps companies save time and manage their Human Resources directly inside their dashboard.

Cyber promotion zillapage

CPpage – Easy Website and LandingPage Builder

Imabotmail accounting and bookkeeping for CP CRM

Accounting is the process of recording and tracking financial statements to see the financial health of an entity. This is done by inputting, sorting, measuring, and then communicating transactions in various formats. Accounting consists of bookkeeping and analysis. Bookkeeping, or financial accounting, consists of recording transactions, which can include purchases, sales, and receipts of an individual or an organization. Once the bookkeeper records and organizes all of the transactions, the next step of accounting is to analyze these transactions into helpful reports which will show the state of one’s finances. These reports can include profit/loss statements, cash flow reports, and can track sales tax to keep a close eye on what is owed come tax time. With small business accounting done right, small business owner will be able to have a clear understanding of the state of your finances so you can make better decisions based on what you have available.

Inventory management for CP CRM

Inventory Management Module is a tool that allows you to track goods across your business’s supply chain. It optimizes the entire spectrum spanning from order placement with your vendor to order delivery to your customer, mapping the complete journey of a product. Through accurate tracking of goods, businesses can minimize waste, analyze trends, and make better investment decisions.

Lead manager for CP CRM module

Lead manager module allowing various calling methods to connect with the CP CRMcore leads using latest tools. Unlike manual calling and storing data, this module helps to keep information in a better way for communication hence it will help to convert leads in a more efficient way.

Lead manager CP CRM

LeadPro is a lead and call center CRM designed to help businesses for managing and track their sales leads, customer interactions, and marketing campaigns. This software enables businesses to organize their lead data in one central location, allowing them to efficiently follow up on leads. The software typically includes features such as dynamic form, email template, lead logs, lead notes and many more

Mailbox webmail client for CP CRM

Ever wanted a web-based client inside CP CRM’s admin area, to managing your mails from?
We got you covered! By using our module, you will be able to allow your staff members to send/receive/draft/organize e-mails of their IMAP accounts, inside their dashboard.

Mention and tag for CP CRM

Mention and Tag for CP CRM help you create discussion or support topics, when using @ to mention someone or using # to mention tasks, projects, invoices, payments, supports, …
Please check out the uploaded screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.

Multipage web to lead form module

Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module is a fully responsive multi-page PHP working multipurpose ajax form with the necessary required field jQuery validation built on PHP, HTML5/CSS3, jQuery and Ajax. 

Mindmap module for CP CRM

Mindmap is a CP CRM module that allows its users to visualize ideas process, share and present thoughts by brainstorming. Collaborative mind mapping and brainstorming tool.

This s a msall module that will allow you to visualize your ideas. Mind maps assist the brainstorming phase because you can add ideas without a filter. They provide the perfect opportunity for challenging yourself creatively to put anything and everything you can think of out of your head and into a visual canvas to be examined and refined. As you begin to organize your map, you can delete ideas that don’t fit or alter them to more accurately tie to the themes you’ve identified along the way.

Okrs objectives and key results for CP CRM

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal system. It is a simple tool to create alignment and engagement around measurable goals. The big difference from traditional planning methods? OKRs are frequently set, tracked, and re-evaluated – usually quarterly. OKR is a simple, fast-cadence process that engages each team’s perspective and creativity.Creating alignment in the organization is one of the main OKR benefits. The goal is to ensure everyone is going in the same direction, with clear priorities, in a constant rhythm. OKR’s original concept came from Intel and spread to other Silicon Valley companies. Google adopted OKR in 1999, during its first year. It supported Google’s growth from 40 employees to more than 60,000 today.Besides Google, other companies use OKR, including Spotify, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Airbnb. But the OKR system is not only for digital companies.

Omni channel sales for CP CRM

Omni Channel Sales Module is the process of selling your products on more than one sales channel. Omni-channel selling is what happens when your products are sold across multiple online and physical locations. For instance, you might choose to sell your products directly to customers on your website. But you might also offer products on popular platforms like POS, Sales Portal, WooCommerce Multiple Stores, Manual order and Pre-order. Selling across different popular channels is moving inventory to multiple channels.

Paystack payment gateway for CP CRM

Paystack payment gateway for CP CRM will allow your customers to pay invoices using Paystack with credit card and other banking methods that Paystack provides. Paystack provides a quick and secure way of accepting payments from your customers.

CP CRM telegrambot chat module

Telegram is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software and application service. The service also provides end-to-end encrypted video calling, VoIP, file sharing and several other features.

CP CRM customer feedback module

Admin can generate a Form with Questions, which he can share with customers, or even share it on url to get the feedback.

CP mercadopago

Mercado Pago Payment Gateway for CP CRM, is a module that enables you to receive payments from CP CRM’s invoices, straight at your Mercado Pago account.

CP CRM emplovee chat

CP CRM Chat is built using PHP, JavaScript, and jQuery and leverages the Pusher API for real-time communication. Unlike traditional chat systems, it uses WebSockets for a faster, more efficient experience, eliminating server slowdowns. With CP CRM Chat, you’re not just enhancing communication; you’re building trust, fostering staff loyalty, and taking client interactions to the next level.

Shop ecommerce module for CP CRM products services

CP CRM Shop module enables the ability to sell your own Products or Services, through Customers Area, along with a Powerful Reporting and Inventory Management.

CP CRM zoom meeting module

This plugin allows you to create and start zoom meetings with the team and clients.

Reminder module tor CP CRM

Reminder module allows to send reminders for following

Project roadmap advanced reporting for CP CRM projects

Project Roadmap module provides you advanced reporting for your CP CRM Projects, inside admin area.
It generates usable reports for every project, straight at your dashboard and allows you to filter projects, based on advanced reporting (Milestones, Tasks etc). It works fine with every custom Project status aswell.

Purchase management for CP CRM

Purchase Management Module is an automated tool that enables companies and buyers to automate their entire procurement cycle from creating a purchase requisition document to finally receiving the ordered goods and making the payment. This advanced innovative process also passes through various points such as preparing a budget estimate, managing the spending, contracts, and suppliers with full control over purchase order.
This module also helps companies to develop electronic purchase orders, digitally manage inventory, and track goods and services in real-time. 

Pushover instant support notifications for CP CRM

This module allows you to receive instant Pushover Notifications on a number of devices when a support ticket is raised via your CP CRM by clients.
By enabling, you will be able to allow staff and yourself to get a push notification on their mobile devices when a support ticket is raised by a client, either via email (if you have this set up) or via the client portal.

Razorpay gateway for CP CRM

Razorpay payment gateway for CP CRM will allow your customers to pay invoices using Razorpay with credit card and other banking methods that Razorpay provides. Razorpay provides a quick and secure way of accepting payments from your customers. The Checkout form provides your customers a streamlined flow for initiating payments. The payment details submitted by the customer are secured and tokenized by Razorpay.

Recruitment management tor CP CRM

Recruitment Module for CP CRM, is a set of tools designed to automate and manage your organization’s recruiting and staffing operations. From posting your jobs to keeping applicants connected and engaged throughout, Recruitment Module lets you manage your entire recruiting process.
Reduce routine tasks such as scheduling interviews by automating your recruitment software and free up your schedule for more pressing activities. Online recruiting management systems create a one-stop application process for job seekers. With the help of an applicant tracking system and candidate relationship management, a recruiter can increase his or her client database and provide an overall better candidate experience.
Please check out the uploaded screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.

Sales commission program for CP CRM

Commission Program is most commonly known as the variable component of a total sales compensation package. The total commission earned is dependent on each salesperson’s individual goals and their performance.Your commission structure ties a sales rep’s performance to the amount of money he or she will take home each paycheck. It’s no secret that accountability produces results, and a well-structured commission plan is an excellent way to incentivize top performance.
Because there’s no one size fits all, sales compensation plans come in many shapes and sizes, including: salary/hourly + commission, commission-only, tiered commission, residual commission, and variable-rate commission. Of these, the easiest and most commonly used approach is to pay a certain percentage based on the revenue generated from a single sale. Very simply, a sales rep who closes a deal for $500 with a commission rate of 5% earns $25 per sale.

Rest api for CP CRM

This module allows you to enable REST API functionality at your your CP CRM installation. It includes a variety of useful commands in order to control your CP CRMinstallation remotely, build third party connections and access Perfex’s information in real-time!

Sendinblue sms notification module for CP CRM

SendinBlue SMS notification Module for CP CRM will allow you Send Sms notification to any country using your company name. You don’t need to buy additional phone number.
The module integrates SendinBlue you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module flow will look after purchase.
The SMS log will be stored in Perfexcrm ACTIVITY LOG and Sendinblue dashboard

Shopier payment gateway for CP CRM

This module is created for CP CRM and it enables you to receive payments via your Shopier from CP CRM’s invoices.

Supplier management module for CP CRM

Supplier relationship management is the discipline of strategically planning for, and managing, all interactions with third-party organizations that supply goods and/or services to an organization the objective of SM is to maximize the value of those interactions. Know your supply chain, know your risk, build relationships and partners to conduct business transactions. Use Supplier module to build a list of suppliers all in Perfex. Please note the Request for Proposal is a separate module, however, we do give this module away free if our customers leave a positive review. Just email us after and we will send you the module via email.

Ultimate purple theme CP CRM

Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for CP CRM.

Spreadsheet online for CP CRM

Spreadsheet Online Module is a powerful spreadsheet editor that lets you do pretty much everything you can do with contemporary spreadsheet software like Excel. This module helps you reach your goals and lead you to make better decisions. There’s nearly nothing you can’t track and manage using this module.

Edit spreadsheets online: Nothing beats the simplicity of entering data into a table. With this in mind this module provides an online spreadsheet editor which allow users to insert their data into their documents without hassle. You can even apply formulas and calculations to the data just like regular spreadsheets. This module also support drop down list which allows you to display a number of valid options for a specific topic. It’s important to keep your users engaged with your content. This can be accomplished by changing styles and customizing the appearance of your documents to make it more attractive for the users to view.

Safely Stored on Cloud Repository: This module makes it easy to gain access to your documents through the team. Team members can edit the documents remotely and save them directly to Cloud Repository. This module gives your team members the ability to access important documents anywhere, at anytime. Unlimited projects and users can provide a more efficient arrangement for the team. This allows the team to run at its full capacity and fulfill its full potentials.

Task filters module for CP CRM

Advanced Task Filters allows you to create dynamic filters on task’s level, including any potential reporting you need for your personal or corporate use.
It allows other staff members to create their own filters aswell, as a step to a more efficient and effective workday/workflow.

Tasks bookmark module for CP CRM

Tasks Bookmark module for CP CRM, helps you categorize your tasks in Bookmark lists, so they can be easily grouped/searched and prioritized. Here’s how it works: Once module is activated, a new menu item will appear at the right column of your CP CRMadmin area, named TASK BOOKMARKS.

Team password CP CRM

Team Password Module is a self-hosted team password manager for companies to share passwords with there teams or clients. Each password will be encrypted and can be shared, secured by an advanced access control system. The easiest and safest way to share passwords, credit cards, email, server, software license and more, with the people that matter most. Go ahead, forget your passwords – Team Password Module remembers them all for you. Make it easy for your team to store, generate and share strong passwords. The less time you need to spend dealing with hacks, phishing scams, and lost passwords, the better.


Weboox pro theme for CP CRM

Weboox PRO comes with a range of features to improve the functionality and aesthetics of CP CRM. With a clean and minimalist design, the theme offers a clutter-free environment for users to navigate through the CRM system. The theme also includes responsive design, ensuring that it looks great on all devices.


This is a WordPress plugin which syncs your new user signups from your WordPress or WooCommerce website with you CP CRM Leads/Customers.
Once it’s enabled and configured, all new users/customers of your WordPress installation will be synced as Leads or Customers (according to your selection) with your CP CRM’s respective section (Leads/Customers).
This plugin synchronizes the default data of a WordPress user (First name/Last Name/Email/Website).

Woocommerce module for CP CRM

WooCommerce module for CP CRM is a module that enables you to view and manage your WooCommerce store from CP CRM.

Whiteboard module for CP CRM

With whiteboard you can sketch ideas and meetings with whiteboard-style. and simple-to-use digital whiteboard built to help you collaborate with others any time, anywhere.

Whatsapp module for CP CRM

WhatsApp Module for CP CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate the famous WhatsApp contact button, onto your Customers Area> and/or Administration area of CP CRM

Weboox convert CP CRM to app android

Material Design:Full material design with animated drawer icon, wave and card layouts. Completely customizable in all colors. With subtle animations such as parallax headers and faded toolbars.

Wboox convert pertex crm to app windows

Hello how are you? This is a project for those who want to offer their customers the CP CRM system for Windows installation (32/64), gaining more trust and credibility with their logo / brand. You will no longer need to use browsers to access your CRM system. You just need to open your installed program. Project developed in Visual Studio. We will give you full support..

To do so, you must purchase the product (CP CRM– Open Source CRM) here at ENVATO, install it on the hosting server and then with the CP CRM system URL that you convert with our Visual Studio project in the Windows application. and offers to customers or the installer.